Advertisement is a part of Retail. A proven product with a superior margin.

Retail Media is one of the fastest growing segments in the advertising market and offers tremendous opportunities for both retailers and brands.

We support you to understand, plan, execute and finally unlock these new business opportunities.

Our Approach

Retail Media is for retailers a way to monetize their traffic, online and offline, and for brands it is an opportunity to better deploy their advertising budgets closer to the consumer and the purchase decision.

Our structured approach and years of experience in the field of retail media sales and the branded goods industry will help you to better understand your current situation, your unlocked potential, and what the implementation looks like.

We support you throughout the process with our specialized know-how and consult you on the way to develop new retail media sales, complementary to your existing business, and to best use retail media opportunities.

Our Process

  • Analysis

    The foundation of our support starts with a retail media sales analysis. Together with your team, we assess your current strategy, market, products, organization and processes to elaborate and highlight your potential.

  • Conception

    After the analysis, we start with the conception which will layout the retail media strategy, products, requirements and enablers for achievement, the business potential as well as clear courses of tasks and action.

  • Implementation

    We help you to implement the developed concept. A detailed project plan, a project team fueled with internal and external talents and our network of specialized experts will support execution and unleash the potential.


The Team

  • Olaf Reichel

    Founder & Managing Director

    15 years of experience in Media Sales, 7 years in management of several (retail) media departments, Setup of multiple successful media sales entities, Launch of a retail media startup for the leading sports platform in Europe

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